Sweet bean paste is one of the most important ingredient in Northeast Asian sweets. Red bean paste or Azuki bean paste is the most common one. And there are also pea paste and common bean paste.
You can buy them at Asian grocery stores, but if you make them at home, you can adjust sweetness and no artificial stuffs in them.
White Bean Paste
it made out of common beans.
I used cranberry beans, since they are
same common bean's family.
You will need
1 cup common beans
2 teaspoon salt
5 tablespoon sugar
1. Clean the beans and soak in water for 5 hours.
2. Boil the soaked beans with water.
3. Drain it when water starts boiling. (To remove bad taste in beans and easy to peel skins off)
It is easy
to peel off once you boil them once, but very annoying. I kept thinking
that I should just buy it next time. haha.
4. Pour clean water and cooked the beans in medium heat for 40-60 minutes, until it get soft.
(Make sure beans have enough water.)
5. From here, you need to decide what do you wanna make with it.
If you want to make a paste for bread, you want to grind it with blender. Then put it on heat with sugar and salt, and evaporate water from the paste until it gets like play-doh texture.
If you want to make Yang-geang, grind them finely with blender. While you blend them, mix with sugar and salt. It should be more watery, but still pasty.
Like this.
Red Bean Paste
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