Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Origami Fortune Air Freshener Bag - Re-using Tea Leaves

 Today, I want to introduce two different ways of folding fortune bags. It is 3D origami, so you can put stuffs inside. I put left-over tea leaves to use as an air freshener; Dried left-over tea leaves or herbal tea can be a natural air freshener. 

 Traditional fortune bag or lucky bag has been worn since Silla period(57 BC – 935 AD) in Korea. It was invented, because there are no pockets on Korean traditional costumes, "Hanbok". However, it became more like a fashionable items for women, like a purse these days. It was made out of different kinds of materials, such as silk or cotton, and was decorated differently depends on gender and social status. Generally these four fortune letters were embroidered. Sou;수(壽) · Bok;복(福) · Bou;부(富) · Gui;귀(貴)


The shapes are either angular, like left and middle one, or round. 


 In these days, fortune bags are only used during lunar new years. 
When kids bow to their older family members, except siblings, older family members should give them some pocket money to put into fortune bags. 

 So here's the first way. 


Once you done folding it, make a whole on top part. Or you can just use a stapler or tape.

Put the tea leaves.

I used twine to close the bag. 
Isn't it cute? :D

Here's the link for second way. It's in Korean, but the blogger took pictures of each steps.  Easy enough to understand.

2nd Origami bag

I put herbal tea leftover instead, for this one. 


Also use twine for closure.  

 I made four of them.

Two for my shoes


Two for my husband's shoes




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